Loves' Next Level Declarations
The following premises create a solid foundation for success
Visionary Choices
Connect with the full power of your mission
You are here to create. Align with specific frequencies and way of being that support flow. Whether that's a business empire, deeply loving and juicy relationship or a breakthrough for the evolution of humanity. Surprise and delight yourself with what your heart and soul know is possible.
Embodied Expansion
Imagine living as the Creator of Your Reality with the power to shape your world as a living masterpiece.
Feel this potential in every cell of your body and claim it.
Rise as the high frequency leader who can not only reach this peak, you live it.
This master game Awakening From Love, the design of your full emergence as genius in action, continually expanding yourself as a Creator.
Create bliss, joy, pleasure, impact beyond measure.
Living Legacy
It doesn’t matter how you are remembered. What matters is that you remember.
To live as a fully awake and aware expression of purpose in action while you have the opportunity.
Tune into your unique creative blueprint to elevate your life onto timelines that blow you mind.
Put a dent in the universe with unshakable confidence as a member of the 1% of the 1% delivering ripples of impact that flow from your connection to the infinite games of life.
Surrendered Adventure
Let go and let life do the heavy lifting.
Your Full bodied Fuck Yes... to Inner Peace - To Your Declaration of Intent - To living with infinite integrity and total commitment to Truth.
Stretches your capacity to ride the waves of creative tension to dream come true results.
Throw away plans, theories, and the need to know.
Trust in your natural ability as life takes you where you choose to go in optimal flow.
Radiant Impact
Come alive with love, joy, your connection to life and play as wisdom flows out from all that you do.
Celebrate your uniqueness, create ripples of connection with your actions grounded in ethics that evolve humanity to the next level of love.
Peaceful Prosperity
Living life at the highest frequency from Well-being (Whole Exuberant Living Love Being) where you know exactly what you need to do and act with grace and ease in flow in alignment with what serves your highest good in service to the greater good.